Sorry to leave you all wondering (short lived I'm sure, ha)...... anyway....we are still alive and well. We left the boat in the storage yard, mid January. In the past five months ( Oh my, how time does fly) we have been in Michigan where we saw minus 25 degree temperatures and lots and lots of snow!

Then a few days in Florida before we headed to daughter Dorian's in Denver the end of Marchhe, where we visited the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and the Garden of the Gods..that was a great day. The sun was shining, it was in the 60's (a step up from the frigid temps in Michigan) and we got to see things we had never seen. ....
Air Force Academy Chapel |
Dorian and Jann |
Air Force vs. Michigan Lacrosse game...we saw the warm ups but didn't stay for the "match" |
Pike's Peak from the Garden of the Gods welcome center |
Manitou Springs, Co. |
then of course after the beautiful weather we had snow the day before we left! It didn't stay on the ground for long so it set it apart from Michigan, where I think it may still be on the ground
:-) !!
Todd, Dorian, Jann & the "Captain"...feasting at, oh yeah baby....The Texas Roadhouse!! |
Bob, in a face down with the Violet....he was game but she was NOT!
We returned to Florida in the beginning of April and stayed for five weeks with our son Cory and his fiance, Jessica. God love them for putting up with us! I had cataract surgery, both eyes, which required us being in Naples for a month, lots of checkups. We were there to help them move into their new home ....mmm, heard of paybacks?? and in between all of the legs of our jet set life style I spent over two weeks in Tampa with the grandkids, I am one lucky mom and grandma!!
Now that you are caught up with my blog hiatus, it's time to get her rolling again......