Sunday, September 25, 2011


Here it is, more than a week since our "last day".  Time flies when you are busy catching up with being a CLOD.  First there is the pool deck to be cleaned because of 9 months of all day project....then there are the two truck loads of trim work from overgrown plants and those that were given the old 'heave ho' for being too labor intensive!  I have decided that when one retires (sort of) one should rethink labor intensive yard issues, etc. At 40 it was fun to dig in the a considerably advanced maturity....not so much!  Besides life is about change, without that what would be the challenge.

We spent the weekend with 'the grands' and had a ball being kids again ourselves, Grandma even went down the water slide!

Tomorrow TIE A KNOT will be hauled and shored so that she may also take a break from her travels.  Gary had a compression check done on the smoking port engine and compression is evidently not the problem. So he will have fun, I'm sure, figuring out what she needs replaced....or hopefully just repaired.

The one thing for sure about boating....if you can't do it yourself...DON'T DO IT!!  

'Full House'... off of Redfish Pass, Captiva Island
did you notice how the Osprey have been replaced?

Captiva Pass

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Entering our last lock into South Gulf Cove
Waterway which takes us to the storage yard.

Tiny, tiny little self operated lock


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