Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How It Is

Our journey is providing many new experiences.  Sitting here looking out on the marshes of South Carolina I wonder at the variances of nature.  A boat anchored further up the river from us when the tide was still receding and we could not see it.  Now that the tide is coming back in, the boat is totally visible.  I still have a hard time wrapping my mind around the variables of the 8-9 foot tides, especially on a full moon which really affects the tides.

We only ran 4 hours today through some pretty 'skinny water'.  Some of you know that I am terrified of birds and only a few (Wendy& Mere) know that Sea Gulls are big and scary!  We must have been churning up some Sea Gull Caviar today because they were on us like stink on you know what!  I am ashamed to say that I had to retreat to the cabin.  I am not kidding it was Sea Gulls on crack....a scene out of 'The Birds' and then some.  I took pictures from a crack in the door of the cabin!

The other pictures are of the 'anchor dance'.  We have it down to a science, and unbelievably enough the hand signals are yelling!  I take the wheel and he handles (obviously ) the anchors.  I am really good at the forward..neutral.. spin the wheel..neutral.. reverse..neutral.. commands. It's much harder on the 'hauler' but so far it works. We are much more comfortable with 2 anchors with the currents and tides and only one is on a it goes.

That was yesterday.  Now for today.  We got to Charleston at 11:00 am.  Great trip, left at 7am.  Would have taken an hour in the car but smelling the roses is not a quick trip.  We were a little worried when we saw the big barge and tug right off the T-Dock turns out they are dredging the channel and we are now a lot more than worried.  This is a 24 hour operation right out our aft deck and it is some serious noise.  Tomorrow their will be a "discussion" with the dock master.  We may not see Charleston this trip after all,  but at least Gary got to see his ships.

The following slide shows are of Ships and Houses...your choice.

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