Here we sit in Solomon's Island, Md. on a mooring ball at Zanhizer's Yachting Center. Nice place that we stayed at on our last trip through. It beats trying to anchor this beast in their very small harbor and we figured Solomon's would be a convenient stop to have our new camera sent. Yea!!!
We left Mill Creek at 7am with about 8 other boats all headed north trying to beat the bad weather. It was a total 180 from yesterday. Yesterday calm and partly sunny, today moderate seas and gray skies. We were out about two hours when the black cloud caught up with us. It rained pretty hard for about twenty minutes and then it was done. We crossed the mouth of the Potomac and made it up the coast and dodged the rest of the heavy weather.

8:30 am , she is a 'comin!
8:30 am , she is a 'comin!
The rest of the trip was a trial on Gary's stamina, trying to keep Tie A Knot on a straight course while taking the waves on the aft quarter is hard on the mind and body!
One might think sitting behind the wheel of a boat is easy BUT consider this, keeping your eyes on the water for foreign objects and crab pots, or shallow spots that if hit could really unmake your day. Then think of how hard it might be to spot things in rough seas. Then their is the physical act of keeping the boat on course which on this boat is never easy, you are constantly correcting it's sneaky little maneuvers. That all takes its toll on the body not to mention the mind. It's no wonder the first thing he wants after the anchor is set is a BEER!
We had the opportunity to follow another trawler similar to ours today and we were both like "is that what we look like?".... It was like watching a drunk trying to walk a straight line! Anyway we made it. We pulled into the harbor at 12:30, only a little worse for the wear.
So here we sit .... in the rain...
Since bikes will be our mode of transportation here, we will have to wait until tomorrow to get out, so we quickly dinghied up to the office between downpours, signed in and got ice so that I could defrost the frig, always a fun wet task. Just the way to spend a day like today., I know the ducks sure are loving it!Hopefully June is not going to continue like it has started out.... at least it isn't cold!
We'll be here for two days, tomorrow is the post office, West Marine, and the grocery store, then we'll be ready to head out Wednesday...
So it goes.....
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