Our trip from Green Turtle to Marsh Harbor and finally Hope Town began well with an easy trip around "the Whale", a short jaunt into the Atlantic where the Sea of Abaco is too shallow. It is notoriously hard to get around but we waited in Green Turtle for 5 days to get a good 'weather window' (a term used often in cruising the Bahamas) and we had no problems. (Well maybe I did put on my life jacket....better to be prepared!)
The weather was overcast, but calm when we reached Marsh Harbour, a little over a 2 hour trip from Green Turtle.
But as you can see from above the skies turned darker and we knew we were in for something. |
We just didn't expect this!! It was a 'minicane'....50 knot winds and sheets of rain for almost an hour.
anchors breaking loose, boats drifting, all with not much visibility. We sat on the bridge with the engines running
just waiting for our anchor to break loose too. That is how hard the wind was blowing. John, along with others said
they had never seen anything like it. I won't say it was fine because it wasn't it was a harrowing hour. But our anchor held
and we didn't move for the next 3 days! The rain continued on and off and the winds were in the 15-20 range.
40 foot sailboat that broke loose, hit the boat next to us and ended up in the piling on shore. Evidently the owner had left his boat anchored while he took a trip to CALIFORNIA!!!
Three marinas within spitting distance and he leaves his boat anchored.....cretin!
We just didn't know we were in for three days of rain and wind. The fronts just keep on a 'comin and it is hard to get off the boat. We did make it to the large grocery store in Marsh Harbour, (the towns one redeeming factor as far as we were concerned) where the prices were more reasonable. A gallon of milk was $4.50 but Planters Peanuts were still $8. a jar. It is weird how some products are about the same as US prices where others are two to three times more. Ok, enough about food prices.....we are all over it aren't we!
We finally got a break in the wind Friday so headed out early for Hope Town. Two hours later we arrived in a different world. For those of you familiar with St. Michaels, Md. this is the Abaco's St. Michaels. What a beautiful spot. It has a very protected harbor with mooring balls and two marinas. We are on a mooring next to the million dollar boats in the marinas. We have toured the town twice and hope the weather will allow us to rent a golf cart to tour Elbow Cay where Hope Town is located.
Since we are looking at a possible named or numbered tropical wave coming through in the next coupled of days we opted to stay here on a mooring for at least a week.
Hope Town....(so far) just a trickle from my camera....when we get back maybe I will do a slide show
There are more houses for rent here than "local" occupied homes. It seems almost every house is 'for rent' at about 4 grand a week!! But what a beautiful place to spend your money and your vacation. |
Beautiful Foliage Everywhere |
This was in front of a cottage the sign says Lizard Lodge....home of Mr. Curlycue. The small lizards here all have curly tails. He was one lucky lizard his own cottage, plane, golf cart and canon to ward off intruders....oops almost forgot the 'white picket fence' |
The weekly supply boat bringing a little bit of everything. |
Lucy is being a real trooper with all the walking tours we are taking! We thought she needed a little 'play time'! |
The Hope Town Lighthouse. Still manned the interesting info. in the link below gives the history and details. http://www.visithopetown.com/lighthouse.html

 Yachy "Exit Strategy"....I think it means he got out when the gettin' was good and kept most of his money....anyway she is a beauty the blue hulled boat in the foreground is the "tender". We only have a dinghy they have a 30 maybe plus foot Intrepid with three 350hp Yamaha outboards.
Comrades in fun....Jann, Gary, John, Sue and LUCY!
No we did not forget Bob! He is also enjoying the Bahamas but we have
to keep him out of sight of Lucy....she is in LOVE and we don't want to
be responsible for puppy love now do we!
Editing and such must be ignored....I am getting this out at the bar drinking a Kalik so that I can use their wi-fi...............one must do what one must do!
Alive and well in the Bahamas
We enjoy your blog; Its good to hear all is well. Hope Town is our favorite stop. Tell John and Sue (and Lucy) we said hi. We are still on track to leave May 21 for the Abacos. Perhaps we will meet you before you leave.
ReplyDeleteCarol & Royce on Escargot.