Well today it all begins....We left the dock at 10:30Our friends Tina & Linda were there to wave us off. Unfortunately they are still working on their boats but we hope to meet them again in our travels. We had a moment of oh,no when the generator didn't start right up, but thankfully it was just a glitch...and the engines started without a hitch. After an hour and a half journey out the waterway and through the lock we felt we were really on our way.
Not long after we headed South we were joined by a pod of 5 Dolphins. They were playing, jumping and dancing along beside us wishing us well....it was a beautiful moment. After all the angst in the last 10 months it was truly uplifting to us. I took a video with my camera and hopefully when I get to posting the pictures I can get that to work. This blogging is not as easy as it looks folks, believe me.
We arrived at our anchorage, Pelican Bay, off of Cayo Costa State Park which is adjacent to Boca Grande Pass. There are about 12 other boats here and it is a perfect start. We hope to stay for a few days to get things buttoned up and learn the GPS and Rose Point navigation.
You may think we should have started that a while ago but a few of you are aware of the problems that we have been trying to overcome with a 25 year old boat......as in many mechanical items which decided that 25 years was enough for them.....and decided to just die instead of enduring any more!! Just our luck.
But, look at us....we made it 35 miles from the dock.....and are still smiling!
Today is NOT a Tie a Knot and hang on day.......