Well last night we had our first anchor dragging experience. When we woke up this morning we were 300 yards north of where we were when we went to bed. Now you may say idiots...not monitoring anchoring, but hey we are no dummies. It was very windy last night so Gary checked twice and I checked again at 3 am everything was fine. So we must have moved between 3 and 7. Thank God the only boat behind us was a cat that was to our East and the winds were south west so we ended up near the anchorage entrance and didn't hit anyone!! When we think of what the outcome may have been we are thankful. Always remembering the S--t happens, it's part of the journey, we go on. Wiser for sure.
Today we tied up some unfinished projects...well Gary finished them I lended lots of moral support and go-fer duties.
Best of all was the dink in the water and holding air. Yahoo!!! She doesn't have a lot of life left in her but we will make her last as long as we can....
Went for a short ride ...forgot camera but the old "Sea Angel" looks fantastic on the water and HUGE...
We finally used the grill off the rail last night. The first night when we installed it and were going to have our celebratory dinner it almost fell off the rail into the water of course....more modification....then while we thought it was preheating it ran out of propane...by then the cook was totally ticked off and it was frozen pizza to celebrate (which by the way sucked because it wasn't totally cooked).
So the winds are beginning to lay down, the sun is starting her journey to the horizon and another day is almost over.
So far it is everything I hoped it would be!! BIG SMILE