It is finished!!! Yes our exploration into solar power has ended (for now) with two 215 watt solar panels that are installed and operational and solar cranking machines! Top amperage coming in so far was almost case you wondered this is FABULOUS....we even were able to watch a movie without the generator running....and this was with power stored up in the batteries from the solar panels. Before if we wanted to watch a movie we had to be plugged in at the dock or running the generator and we couldn't even hear the dialog of the movie....we gave up on that after one try.
Of course the installation did not go smoothly, you know the saying "The life of Riley", well from here on in there should be a new saying "the life of Merrill", because if it should be easy it isn't going to be for us.
Gary painstakingly measured and built a mock up support out of plywood and took a drawing to the fabricator (they frown on having to come out to the boat to do measurements, too much like work I think) brought part of it back in the truck for a fitting, went back to the fabricator with some minor angle changes, picked up the finished product, drove it illegally down the highway (with a 3 foot overhang on each side of the truck bed and 3 feet off the back) got it back to the boat (this was the easy part as we had to go up to the dock for water and could just hoist it up onto the top from land) and guess what ........
Right, just fell into place.....NOT.
The angles on the cross member were not changed so they had to be beaten into submission (literally)
and the tabs to attach the panels were off .so only half of the solar panel could be "McGiver" Merrill swore a little, cursed his luck and figured it out! Let's give it up for him!! He had to drill more holes into the aluminum (with the panels half attached) in 18 mph winds standing on a 2" stainless rail.
Off a little I'd say |
Clamping and a hammer did the trick |
He assured me this was safe |
We didn't know the tabs were wrong at this point you can see the little shadows sticking off the sides | |
Our best buddies...the 2x4 |
Oh,oh...."we've got trouble in River City" |
Fixing by feeling. The little grey spots in the foreground are metal shavings from drilling new holes. |
TA DA!!!!!!! He had the frame built for 3 panels in case we want to add another. Always thinkin' that guy. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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An excellent lookin' job Buddy. Now take a break before the next project presents itself. And while you're waiting.......get a haircut.
ReplyDeleteDon't know how to be anything but "Anonymous" from this computer, so I'll just say "here's to ya'" for a job well done. Hope you have all the power you need and then some. Carl and Wendy
ReplyDeleteCharles here. Congratulations and the wish for many sunny days. FYI I bought small external speakers/amplifier that gets its power from the USB port. It is much louder and has better sound quality than computer speakers and it only cost $15 from Amazon.