Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Perfect Start

We left Harbortown around 9am on Tuesday morning, had a chilly but easy travelling day and made it to Roundhouse Creek, north of New Smyrna around 5:00.  We travelled 59 miles in 8 hours.  We met with our friends from our trip 2 years ago ,Gwen & Walter.  They had a boat similar to ours but sold it and bought a sailboat.  We had a great catch up with them and heard about their winter in the Exumas and life on their sailboat, 'Salt Shaker'.  It was like we had just seen them a few months ago not almost two years!!  
This morning we left Roundhouse Creek at 7:30 and traveled at a steady 7.6 mph to St. Augustine.
It was a spectacular day.  The weather could not have been better.  Very light winds and temps in the high 70's.  Not a cloud in the sky, just a stellar day!  We got to Pine Island ,where we are anchored, at 6pm so today was a 9 1/2 hour day and we traveled 75 miles. Even fighting the current we are doing well..  

Leaving Harbortown  Marina yesterday.  
Photo courtesy of our 'dockmate' Janet on 'Bucket List'.

Gives new meaning to 'dragging anchor' don't 'ya think???

One of the more "unusual" boats we've seen.  A sailboat with flopper stoppers!  For you land lubbers those are like arms that lower into the water to stop a boat from rolling.  On a sailboat???   What were they thinking??
Then again maybe they were thinking "Let's go shrimping"
Only the Shadow knows........

A weakness I fear....taking pictures of lighthouses...I KNOW you've seen this already but humor me!

We only got to see this Coast Guard Station near Ponce Inlet because we missed the turn for the Intracoastal waterway...that was a good mistake as this was one pristine station and we didn't even know it was there AND you know how they always look deserted?  Well this one had lots of Coasties working around the yard...see our tax dollars are well spent!

Everyone's favorite bridge in Daytona with its great pictures of Manatee's and Dolphins.... AND I saw several pods of dolphins on home school expeditions, my take anyway, they were quite  small and I guessed that Mom was teaching them how to stay away from big scary boats!

Had no idea what was up with this...are they blind or just stupid????

This bridge was doing a lot of 'reflecting' early this morning.

Something you don't see anymore...always reminds me of lyrics from the Trisha Yearwood song  'Runaway Joe, "underneath the Texaco Star"

Made it to St. Augustine today at around 3pm.  Here is the famous and finally construction free Bridge of Lions.

Ocean side view of the St. Augustine Light house.

                                            A Park and Party Beach

There are four other boats anchored here with us.

Pine Island....where we are anchored...on the Tolomato River south of Jacksonville

...the end of another day on Tie A Knot
Tomorrow we head for Cumberland Island, Ga. where we will hopefully arrive early and enjoy a couple of days exploring the island. 


  1. Great pics mom. Just fyi, the song is "Walkaway Joe". ;-)

  2. Doesn't it feel great to be moving again! We're on our way today to Chesapeake City. It's a perfect trawler day- no wind and a following tidal current. At the rate you're going you'll be back in the Chesapeake in no time. See you on the water.
    Fair winds & Smooth sailing,
    Elaine & Lawrence S/V Elle & I


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