Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 26

The transmission is back, installed and as far as we can tell without leaving the dock, working!
 Oorah!!!  That's what the Marines say right?

Gary's volunteer helper ,Bill, getting the transmission back in the boat.  We have become friends with Bill and his wife Chris.  We found out they have often taken the ferry from Walpole Island to Algonac from their home in Canada, not many have even heard of Algonac before. I told them when I met them I wouldn't forget their names, as I had a daughter in-law, a sister, and a dad with the same names, no excuses for mindlessness there.
Cuddling up with Bertha and Beulah

Transmission with a "new lease on life"  (we fervently hope)

I think it may be day 26 it's hard to keep track...time flies when you're old ( it used to be when you were having fun).  Have we been having fun?, gee could be.... with a new definition of the word!

The upside of the downside, we have met many new friends in the boatyard, gotten some major projects completed while waiting and as always we have gained a renewed perspective on land life versus 'salt life'.
We plan to leave (you notice the word "plan" in what should be a final statement with a known "we WILL leave in the morning" ) tomorrow morning.  We were  going to leave today but along with the winds there was the FRIDAY THE 13TH thingy going on.  Enough for me to say "let's wash the boat instead"!!
We'll see how that works out for us.....fingers crossed!  Thanks to everyone who has expressed concern with words or thought, it has been appreciated.

PS....Bob has had enough!!  He would jump ship I am sure if it wasn't for Florida wildlife waiting patiently for a mutinous pup...


  1. Well once again you have turned lemons to lemonade with lots of work. Safe day tomorrow on a new leg of the journey. Love you two- keep us all posted. XO Mere

  2. Be safe out there! Bon voyage!

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