Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 16

One thing we don't pay attention to anymore is the calendar.  I guess that is a good/bad situation.  You take a day at a time (good), but you don't know what day it is(bad)!  We all know the days seem to be passing so fast that we cannot keep track of them and when you are "on a mission" even more so. One may think that living on a boat is "the dream" (and it is for us), but the dream becomes your reality.
It is not living a life of leisure by any means, we may have 'happy hour' but that does not make up the day and we do not live a Jimmy Buffett song.  

Our transmission is still in Stuart and we know things take time but our faith in our "doctor" is wavering a bit.  We hope to have it back by the first of next week without the (dreaded) you need another part phone call.  Things are heating up at Charlotte Harbor Boat Storage....they are busier than we have ever seen. Tonight we have a sailboat rafted off of us waiting for a haul out.  There are a total of 5 boats at their very limited dock space.  

We are making use of our down time to work on "projects".... and I can always find us a project!!!

Removing the air conditioning unit to replace the rot we noticed in the locker floor.

Then onto sanding and refinishing the never ending teak in this boat.....


After I finished my sanding duties I tackled a job that I would rather leave to the experts but due to the fact that I (kind of) know how to do it, I didn't have a way to get out of it...If someone even thinks you "know how"....DENY IT!!!!!

Recovering cushions without patterns is not an optimal experience..( I may have mentioned once that someone I know washed and shrunk the previous covers ..which were, I will admit,  made on the fly in one of my 'don't care get it done' modes.)..and now I know that these shortcuts always come back to haunt!  Now I am putting in the time and doing it right. I am not a pattern maker and it has been a trying couple of days least here there is a great work space so I am taking advantage of it.

There have also been some great highlights to my days though.... 

This is MANGO....he is a 20 year old parrot that belongs to Carol and Richard. a couple we have known, since we have been in the boat yard, from Washington State.  Mango was taking a "shower" in the hut...(I think he pretends he is in the rain forest)..when I found out he is quite the troubadour.

"Singing In The Rain" and "Oh, What A Beautiful morning". sung by a was hilarious....

Carol said she taught him to sing when he was a baby by singing to him in the bathroom when she was getting ready to go to work.   

The Woodpecker who greets us every morning...

the occasional rainbow....

and the never ending beautiful moments on the matter what the circumstances...

Life Is.....always challenging....and always GOOD!!


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