Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cocoa to Harbortown

We left  Cocoa at 8:30 this morning headed for somewhere to clean the dink bottom before we put her on top for our marina stay.  We ended up just on the other side of the bridge in 5' of water just out of the channel and we took the dink ashore at another little island with a bit of beach.  Flipped her over and man was she dirty again.  I see now why people hoist them out of the water when not in use.  Most of the boats have davits on the platform or stern in the case of sailboats, that lift the dinghy out of the water.  We have a set that came with the boat at home and we will bring them back to see if they work or if like most of the other stuff "we inherited" it was because it was easier  than taking them to the dump for the last owner!!  Cleaning the barnacles and the marine growth that has attached like cement is not a fun task.  

While we were there we saw 2 manatee coasting around in the channel, a horseshoe crab in the water close to shore, and some strange looking small fish with bulbous eyes on top of its head that was not taking our unsubtle hints to "go away".  After our last dinghy washing adventure and the man of war incident that followed we are not into any type of marine life that close.  For all we know about fish it could be the deadly "Get Gary" fish.  He finally became uninterested or od'd on Simple Green and he went up the shore a little letting us finish our task.

The trip across the barge canal was really neat.  After all of the opulence of the coast this was a real treat to see "old Florida" ( unspoiled and decaying, but what the heck...character, character, character) and  take a trip back in time if only for a short while. It was a break from the overdose of $$$$ everywhere. Especially since we are in the $ category. :)

When we pulled into the Marina 3 people ran right over to help us tie up the lines.  Paul, Sue & Ed.  I think this place will prove to be filled with more "character" in the human form.  The couple next to us were having a little "discussion" this afternoon and you feel like you are right in the room with them.  Marina's are a whole different ball game because you are very close to your neighbors, so you best behave and be quiet....or else they'll be talking about you!!  After 3 months without being in a slip in a Marina, this is sure to be overload.  We'll see.

Sue Mackie made it over to have dinner with us tonight.  They are about 20 minutes from here and we found out plan to move their boat here this month.  John will be back next weekend from his job in Daytona so we will have a good reunion.  Kent is coming to pick us up so we can get our truck.  We need wheels here if we want to get any  projects is too far to walk or ride a bike.  We wouldn't have stayed here for a month, but the monthly rate was half the 2 week we will try to make use of the time by getting some projects out of the way before we head out of Florida.

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