Friday, April 29, 2011

Special Day

Here I sit wondering where the last 61 years have gone?  Today is my security here I come.  Although the shuttle launch has been scrubbed this year's  birthday is scpeical not only by the number but the fact that there was a Royal Wedding and lots of pomp and circumstance.  Made me feel important by association.

Finally!!!  The Coast Guard got our documentation (name change) processed and are ready to go, out with the old and in with the new!  Taking the name off was sad because of the Dolphin but other than that we can only hope it will be a good thing.  We did the denaming because I am just superstitious enough to buy into it. Gary not so much but he is doing it for me.  The denaming part is calling upon the ancient gods Neptune god of all the seas  and Aeolus (EE-oh-lus) guardian of the winds, thanking them for their protection of the boat in the past and asking that the name be struck from the records. Then asks that the new name be blessed and given the same protection as in the past.  We had to read this out loud, I made Gary read it too so we had double duty.  Now we are nameless for a day giving at least 24 hours for all the demons to flee.  We're waiting more than that because of the amount of demons involved !!!

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