Let's see....I left off on April 2 and now it's the 7th. Where does the time go??? Sunday Kent drove over and picked us up early in the morning, poor guy no sleeping in for him last weekend. With a 3 year old and a 1 year old I suspect sleeping in is of the past & future anyway! We picked up Mickey D's for a picnic with the grands and I stayed and hung out with them while Kent drove Gary to Rotonda to pick up the truck so we have wheels here. Long trip for Gary & Kent, but a great time with Sydney & Cole for me!
The major accomplishment of the week was replacing the plumbing under the galley sink, which had begun to stink big time. 25 years of crud built up. I had to keep the drains plugged all the time or the smell drove me crazy. So my live in plumber took on the task and now NO smells, hooray! I washed the boat yesterday...and we finished all of the laundry. We have been chasing down parts but so far except for the sink have come up empty handed. Since the frig is a little too narrow for the space it isn't screwed into the frame so we have to have trim. Found a teak board today that ended up being $60 and it was 4" by 7'. Seemed a little ridiculous, so may have to go to plan B.... Home Depot and black paint!
I think I mentioned that Gary made a filter for the holding tank vent. Next week we are going to replace the hoses. After 25 years they have also bitten the dust. It is going to be a horrible stinky bit of labor and hopefully we will make it through without incident (choking each other). Seems that most people end up having to do this with older boats. Replacing the tank also would be ideal but ours is molded in and fiber glassed so that is not going to happen, besides we would have to cut the floor out of the galley to get it out. So hopefully after next week our super dooper pooper filter and new hoses will have us smelling roses!! I suppose most people pay to have jobs like this done but it seems that we (I use the "we" lightly) can't resist the challenge, or saving a few hundred bucks.
Isn't boating fun!@#$!!
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