Gary's back is improving every day and it doesn't bother him at all. It still looks nasty though. Thursday night Linda, Mercy and her neighbor Rudy came out to the boat to watch the sunset and check out the boat. Linda is wanting to buy a larger boat to go tho the Bahamas on. Mercy leaped up the ladder and inspected everything in the cabin within minutes. She is a Rescue Dog, which I thought meant Linda "rescued her", but actually she is trained to rescue people. She is a 4 year old Lab.
Linda turned out to be such an interesting person. She grew up in Turkey and has piloted boats since she was a child. She ran the supply boat to Tobago for years. She is the match for any male captain that is for sure, her knowledge is immense! Rudy is her neighbor and he is retired Coast Guard, everyone around here has something to do with the water.
Yesterday we went to shore and walked about 2 miles to the Winn Dixie and back. Picked up a very few supplies and purchased some more books at the library. I just read "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" and it was great, I am now looking for the 2 follow up books, no luck yet although I try everywhere I go.
We then came back took a nap.....the walk, you know.....and then watched the afternoon show over at the little island where everyone seems to congregate in the afternoon.
The big excitement yesterday was the Sea Plane that flew right over our boat and landed close to the island. The 3 people on the plane got out and went for a swim, then just hung out for a couple of hours before buzzing us again and flying off into the sunset!
I've included pictures of the Little Palm Resort and Shuttles. Check this place on the internet- google Little Palm Island Resort and Spa. This is LUXURY!! Room rates are $1225. to $2091. per night. The Marina takes boats up to 120' and the rates start at $350. per day. On the Menu the Island Picnic is $300. and it sounds like fancy snacks (no Fritos, or cheese puffs served here) and possibly a bottle of wine, but it sure isn't Yellow Tail. Oh yes, lest I forget, the Private Island Picnic to the tune of $2700. ( not including 7.5% tax or $50. set up fee) is a flight in their sea plane to a private Island where you will be wowed with more fancy snacks and a lot more wine! I didn't even get into the dinner prices seeing as their Saturday Brunch is $75.PP. It would be kind of fun to do it once wouldn't it?
Oh well, back to earth Jann. We are off to the local flea market.....and some Fritos and Beer!
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