Wednesday, August 17, 2011


If you look closely at the slide show, hopefully you will see what I have, the changing scenery of North Carolina.  After the Chesapeake I am looking more closely now at the changes in vegetation and landscape that I see along the way.  What starts out as bleak, turns into a beautiful sunrise or smoke on the water causing an island to look like a submarine. There are the "towns" that you anticipate to be over the top that are "what were they thinking" and bugs that say...."wow I want to catch that ride!"  The scenery can change from desolate to lush in a half mile.  The anchorages are calm and inviting....and when you wake up early in the morning to the flat water and haze you think..."this IS paradise".  Then the day begins and you are off and running again to a new paradise.  
I am looking for things I may have missed on our trip to the Chesapeake.  It is really amazing to see the difference along the waterways.  Most times it is monotonous like the interstates, but then their is that moment that catches you and says 'take a picture of me'.
We are nestled on the free town dock in Oriental with a sailboat that makes us look like a cruise ship!  Behind us are the boats from the shrimp fishing fleet of Oriental and in front of us is the "town hub", the Bean coffee shop.  Where the retired men of Oriental sit on the porch telling sailing stories and watching the action in the harbor.
Oriental Hub......The Bean Coffee Shop on Oriental Harbor across from the free town dock.
 From the marshes of Northern North Carolina to the vastness of the Neuse River and Oriental.  Here are a few glimpses of our days.

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