Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunrise to Sunset

Storms are gone....for now...and we are our way once. Again.  We woke up at 6:15 (OMG) to a beautiful crystal clear, calm morning.  Cast off the lines at 7 and experienced a pastoral day.  Being Sunday it was fitting. t From the sunrise in the pine forest of the ICW and Waccamaw River to the flat salt marshes that started as soon as we cleared Georgetown and Winyah Bay it was a day of big scenic change. Which I am appreciating even more the "second time around".  We travelled 78 miles today, a milestone, in 10 hours.  The tide was with us most of the way, so we virtually flew through the water at 8 mph on average!!

The Day Begins:

Bird land

This was the beginning of a 'look see'...notice the grey Heron on the right.
They cautiously checked each other out after we had passed by.

The Estherville Minim Creek Canal which takes us through the beginning of the salt marshes.
As you can see not much traffic.  We did see some smaller 'day trippers' but only 2 other large boats.
A small tug trawler and a sailboat.

We will now start seeing a lot more Terns & Gulls because of the 6' tides and the opportunity for rest they provide.

No rest for the Coast Guard

I wish I knew the story.

Marsh grass as far as the eye can see

Today is a very low tide because it is a full moon. 

High & Dry Channel Marker
There were about 50 of these docks (high & dry) along the ICW in this area, but  only about 2 boats in them.
We can't remember if it was the same in May.  Maybe they trailered them for the hurricane.

The end of a 10 hour day.

I don't think it can get any better than this!

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